Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident in Atlanta
Hoffspiegel Law Blog

Any Atlanta car accident is bound to be a traumatic experience. Immediately afterward, all you may want to do is go home and process what just happened. However, what you do in the minutes and hours after a car accident in Georgia could have a significant impact on your car accident claim. There are several key steps you can take to protect your health and future financial security.
This article will explore how to comply with Georgia law, protect your legal rights, and give yourself the best chance of securing maximum compensation for your injuries.
Prioritize Safety
After an automobile accident, there is always the possibility of a secondary crash due to vehicles obstructing the road.
The Georgia Code 40-6-275 (c) requires that drivers, or other occupants who have a valid driver’s license, move the vehicles involved in the accident to:
- A safe place on the shoulder
- An emergency lane, or;
- Another place of safety
However, if anyone is seriously injured or a death has occurred, you are not required to move the vehicle. Conversely, don’t worry that you will be considered to be at fault for the accident or for failing to stop and report an accident when you take this step. Sections (d) and (e) of the same law provide protection against this happening.
Seek Medical Attention
After a car accident, immediately assess whether you or anyone else involved in the accident is injured. If anyone is hurt, seek medical assistance immediately.
Even if you feel fine, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Adrenaline may be coursing through your body, masking the pain of injuries that may cause agony later.
Some hidden injuries that can cause serious, long-term consequences include:
- Whiplash: This is a type of neck strain that happens when your head moves rapidly back and forth due to the forces exerted by your car crash. Whiplash needs quick medical treatment to reduce its impact and give you a better chance of recovery.
- Concussion: A type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion symptoms can start later. If you do not get treatment immediately, it may take longer to make a full recovery.
- Internal injuries: Internal bleeding and damage to internal organs are very dangerous because these injuries are invisible and may not cause immediate symptoms. Doctors are trained to spot the signs of potentially life-threatening internal injuries, highlighting the importance of seeking immediate medical assistance.
When you seek medical attention immediately, you may also help your legal case. Your Atlanta personal injury lawyer may be able to use the medical reports created after your accident and the subsequent medical treatment required to link your injuries to your accident and build a strong case for compensation.
Call the Police
The Georgia Code 40-6-273 states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or property damage to an apparent extent of $500.00 or more shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of such accident to the local police department if such accident occurs within a municipality.”
This law covers most accidents, so if you get into a car wreck in Atlanta, you need to call 911, which is the quickest way to contact the Atlanta Police Department.
Cooperate with the police
When the police arrive, they will take charge of the auto accident scene. A police officer will ask you questions about what happened, which he or she will use as part of the police report. Stick to the facts. There is no need to admit blame or give your opinion on who was at fault.
The police report will include important information such as:
- Description of the accident
- Drivers’ details
- Drivers’ insurance information
- Eyewitness details
- Officer’s findings
Obtain the police report
The police report may be crucial to a car accident claim or legal case if you decide to sue the at-fault driver for damages. Your insurance company will also require a copy of it.
You can obtain a copy of your car accident report by calling the Atlanta Police Department Central Records at (404) 546-7461. It will usually become available 5 business days after your accident.
Exchange Information
Georgia state law is very clear about the information drivers must exchange before they can leave the accident scene.
The Georgia Code 40-6-273.1 instructs drivers to provide:
- Name and address of the owner and driver of the car
- Car license number
- Insurance details or the driver’s certificate of self-insurance
Remember, this is not the time to discuss the accident with the other parties involved. Tensions can run high, and it is easy to admit blame or say something you regret due to the stress of the situation. Instead, limit your conversation to exchanging details. Let the insurance adjusters and car accident lawyers investigate who was liable later.
Gather Evidence
Any evidence you can gather at the accident scene could assist your car accident attorney as he or she strives to secure maximum compensation on your behalf. However, only do this if you are well enough.
Try to gather the following:
- Property damage: Take pictures of damage to your vehicle and other vehicles from multiple angles. Also, check the contents of your car and take pictures of any personal property that sustained damage in the collision.
- Accident scene: Take as many pictures or videos of the accident scene as possible. Try to capture any skid marks, debris, damage to the road, weather conditions, traffic signals, and other factors that may have affected your car accident.
- Car accident injuries: Take photographs of the injuries you sustained in the car accident. This could also strengthen your case by providing evidence that your injuries came from your car crash.
An experienced attorney will evaluate all available evidence. He or she may be able to use the photos you take at the scene to strengthen your case for fair compensation.
Contact Your Insurance Company
The specific requirements depend on your car insurance provider, but you must usually notify your insurance company within a very limited time period of an accident in Georgia. If you fail to report your accident per the terms of your insurance policy, you may face complications, including denial of your claim.
However, this step comes with a word of warning. When talking to your insurance company, stick to the facts of the accident. Do not speculate on who was at fault or admit blame. It is the insurance adjuster’s job to investigate the accident and make a decision about liability.
Also, do not either downplay or exaggerate the extent of your injuries. Share the results of your medical evaluation and let the professionals assess how serious your injuries are and what the long-term ramifications may be.
Your insurance company may give the impression that they are on your side, but be very cautious. Your insurer could use things you tell them against you later. The safest course is to find a reputable Atlanta law firm to represent you as soon as possible.
Talk to an Atlanta Car Accident Attorney
An experienced attorney can take the weight off your shoulders by handling all aspects of your car accident claim.
The first step is to discuss your case at a free consultation. This is your chance to give a detailed account of your accident and share any evidence you have gathered. The Atlanta car accident lawyer will draw on his or her legal knowledge and experience to advise whether your case has a good chance of success.
If the law firm agrees to take on your case, it will handle every aspect, including:
- Investigating your accident
- Calculating fair compensation for your injuries
- Negotiating with the other driver’s insurance company
- Representing you in court, if needed
Working with an Atlanta car accident lawyer could help you achieve maximum compensation and let you relax and concentrate on recovering from your injuries.
Let Hoffspiegel Law Seek Maximum Compensation for Your Atlanta Car Accident
If you have been injured in a car accident in Georgia that was not your fault, you need to talk to an experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer at Hoffspiegel Law. Our team is here to make things right by thoroughly investigating your car crash and fighting with all we have for the best possible settlement.
We have a track record of achieving car accident verdicts and settlements far in excess of the insurance companies’ original offers. In one head-on collision, we achieved a payout of $1.55 million for our client. The insurance company’s offer was $500,000.
Are you curious to find out how much compensation you could receive? Call Hoffspiegel Law today at [phone number] for personalized advice at a free case consultation. Alternatively, complete our online contact form, and we will be in touch very soon.
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