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September 21, 2020

Wearing a seatbelt does more than just protect you from harm, it just might determine what compensation, if any, you receive after an accident.

This National Law Review article caught my eye a few days back, and I wanted to highlight some key points.

The statistics covering the impact of seatbelts on the survivability of crashes are staggering. 

The article notes that, in 2017, almost HALF of all victims in fatal crashes weren’t wearing a seatbelt. Further, 15,000 people involved in crashes that year were saved from a fatal accident due to their seatbelt. This highlights how important seatbelts really are. 

While safety is the number one priority, it is also important to understand that each state has its own laws pertaining to seatbelts. For instance, the relevant Georgia law is O.C.G.A. 40-8-76.1 (2010), which covers the use of seatbelts and states that not wearing a seatbelt will not be considered as evidence of negligence or causation in court. However, this doesn’t mean you should not wear one because your life may depend on it. 

While there is significant overlap between the laws of different states, it’s important to research both the statutes and cases pertaining to a given legal issue in your own state. Small differences and details sometimes have a major impact on your case.

In sum, wearing a seatbelt is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from harm, so buckle up!