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Hoffspiegel Law Blog

July 22, 2020

If you are involved in an accident, insurance companies will almost certainly put their attorneys on the case.

However, those attorneys work for the insurance companies, not you. There’s no guarantee that your interests are being advocated for. That’s why you need legal expertise in your corner.

The question is: when do you need a personal injury attorney?

1- When you had an accident and you aren’t sure who is at fault.

Unknowns and unanswered questions aren’t your friends in the legal process. If it is unclear where the fault lies, the insurance company representing the other party will most likely attempt to pin the blame on you.

If you aren’t sure of your own innocence, it will be tough to defend in court. You need an attorney to assess the situation, determine who will likely face blame, and give you the tools to protect yourself if you are sued or countersued by the opposing party.

2- An accident left you with a serious injury, illness, or permanent disability.

A severe accident could leave you with ongoing pain, medical bills, and complications. Your suffering demands restitution, but the path to receiving it is often long and complex.

Don’t walk that path alone, especially with everything else on your plate. Consult a personal injury attorney, and get the expertise you need to assess the true cost of your injuries and the compensation you’re entitled to.

This is particularly important if you end up needing long-term care. The cost of such care is often ambiguous, so assessing the true value of your claim will require expertise and experience.

A personal injury attorney provides valuable knowledge and clarification throughout the legal process, focusing on your claim so that you can focus on recovery.

3- Your claim is being denied or delayed by the insurance company.

The laws and procedures surrounding personal injury are complex. With only the insurance company to consult, you’re stuck taking them at their word for any delays, problems, or compensation assessments.

Unfortunately, you may not be in a very good position to argue if they deny or delay your claim. If money is tight and bills are piling up, you may be forced to take a fraction of the true value of your claim.

A personal injury attorney advocates on your behalf and has experience dealing with insurance companies. They also assess the potential value of your claim to give you a better idea of the dollar range you should be negotiating within.

Why Hoffspiegel Law:

If any of the above scenarios apply to you, you need a personal injury attorney. But why call Hoffspiegel Law?

  • You won’t pay a dime until we win: Consultation appointments are completely free and we also don’t charge any upfront fees. In fact, we only get paid when you do. Rather than adding to your financial burdens, we stand with you throughout the legal process.
  • Get personal care: At Hoffspiegel Law, we put the “personal” back into personal injury. Our team is transparent and communicative, always available to discuss any questions or concerns.
  • Expert opinions: We work with a wide range of experts for guidance on specific injuries and industries. This ensures we have a comprehensive understanding of your injury, its consequences, and the restitution you are owed.
  • A collective half-century of experience. This isn’t our first rodeo. Our team  takes your unique situation into account, creating a strategy founded on our experience and directed by your unique needs.

Whatever your personal injury needs, Hoffspiegel Law is YOUR advocate. Connect with us TODAY and schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys!