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Hoffspiegel Law Blog

When a loved one dies due to the negligence of a professional in whom they placed their trust, you deserve justice and restitution.

Just recently, the wife of a man who died in the care of a doctor employed by Wellstar Health has filed a lawsuit in Georgia, alleging the death was a result of the negligence of the healthcare staff at the facility.

In the United States alone, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death, causing an estimated 251,000 deaths per year.

While the article does not note any particular statistics, it does state that the lawsuit claims that Billy Saunier (the plaintiff’s deceased husband) showed several signs that were indicative of the adverse reaction he had to the medication administered.

It can be difficult to understand the circumstances surrounding the death of a loved one, but if you believe the death was wrongful, you need to consult an attorney in the state you reside. In Georgia, for instance, Georgia Code 9-3-71 establishes a 2-year statute of limitations to file a lawsuit after the incident has occurred. For example, if your spouse dies due to a surgeon’s mistake in the operating room, you have 2 years from the date of death to seek compensation. Filing a claim is complex and often time-consuming, so you don’t want to wait.

Navigating a wrongful death case is a tough subject, but you deserve a chance to set things right when you or a loved one suffers from someone else’s negligence.